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Herpes Treatments

We've got 0 treatments available to assist you with your Herpes.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What Is The Herpes Virus?

Herpes is a STD spread through sexual contact such as kissing or sexual intercourse. There is oral herpes and genital herpes. Genital herpes is where there is discomfort and red blistering sores in the genital region and oral herpes is similar, but it is only affected around the mouth. Herpes goes through periods of being dormant and an outbreak is often signposted by other illnesses or stress.

What Are The Symptoms Of Genital Herpes?

Symptoms can range from small red sores and rashes without pain or itchiness near genital area, itching around genitals, burning sensation when passing urine, swollen lymph glands and headaches.

How Do You Get Tested For Genital Herpes?

There are a few ways you can be diagnosed with genital herpes. If you are experiencing symptoms, you should go see your GP or visit a sexual health clinic so a professional can view the sores. You could send a sample of your urine to get tested using one of the free kits provided by the NHS or your nearest sexual health clinic. You could also get a blood test done by a GP or sexual health nurse to determine if you have the virus.

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