Allergy Tablets | E-Pharmacy
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Allergy Tablets Treatments

We've got 4 treatments available to assist you with your Allergy Tablets.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What Is Allergy Relief Treatment?

An allergy is where your body responds to a substance. Allergens may not be harmful to your body, but sometimes your body still reacts. Allergy relief treatments help your body to manage the symptoms of these reactions.

What Causes Allergies?

Your immune system reacts to certain molecules and this is a normal process. Sometimes your immune system can be over-sensitive and therefore it reacts to a molecule which isn’t necessarily harmful. Some allergic reactions aren’t severe; however, others can be life-threatening.

How Can I Prevent Allergies?

You can avoid allergic reactions and hay fever by using allergy relief medications or avoiding certain triggers such as Tree and grass pollens, House dust mite, Animals, Insect bites/stings, Medicines, Food (commonly nuts), Chemicals.

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