We've got 0 treatments available to assist you with your Men's Health.
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Men’s health is simply healthcare that mostly affects men, such as conditions that affect the penis, sexual performance, and male pattern baldness. These conditions are generally not life-threatening or painful but can cause embarrassment or irritation. Some men feel self-conscious when approaching these topics to their GP or local pharmacist, which is why online pharmacies such as e-Surgery provide a safe place to discuss men’s health issues.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition in men which affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection for sexual activity. It most commonly affects men over the age of 45 but can happen to men of all ages. There can be various causes of erectile dysfunction. The most common is psychological and is often due to excess stress.
Premature ejaculation is defined as an orgasm that occurs sooner than normal. What is considered normal varies widely among men however, so it is important to your partner about the issue. Occasional instances are common, however if you find this is a recurring issue prescription medication can help.